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About us


Dance is a uniquely human expression of joy and hope for mankind.

Tango is communication without words. It is an embrace.


Milonga Para Los Niños reaches out to embrace the children of Argentina and Latin America to bring hope and joy to their lives in return for their gift to the world of Tango and Latin music and dance.


Our vision is to build a community of annual milongas (tango dances) and Latin dances around the world to improve and bring joy to the lives of children in Latin America.


You can help by offering one dance per year from your regular calendar or a special one off event.




Our core values are:


  • To bring the world of Argentine Tango together in a worldwide Tango Embrace to benefit disposessed children in Argentina & Latin America.

  • To direct our aid directly to people and organisations who add value.

  • Event Organisers may pay direct expenses, but organisers must not charge for their services.

  • The organisation keeps its expenses to a minimum, so as to distribute the maximum funds to the beneficiaries.

  • Organisers give preference to suppliers who donate or discount their services.


We like to have fun, but there is a serious side to our fundraising.  Our work supports the provision of safe, loving home environments for disposessed childen, enabling them to develop through education and resources into adults who contribute to society and humanity.


"Now the people will know we were here"


”The Symbol for Sociedad Para Los Niños includes the Canadian Inukshuk.


It expresses the values of our people.The Inukshuk is a powerful symbol of humanity, cooperation and trust and faith in people.


The Inuit people of North America erected these stone guardians to give passers-by the comfort of knowing that they are not alone, to give guidance, strength and motivation. They were erected to mark good hunting and fishing spots, sacred places and at times the location of buried food to sustain unknown travellers.


It is an expression of selfless sharing and caring for those you may never know. It is recognition that we are all fellow travellers on this earth and dependent upon one another for love and life.


Read the full story below!


Committee Members

For general questions and information on the Para Las Ninos charity, please contact administration by email via the Contact Us page 

President: John Lowry

Secretary: Judy Gaunt

Treasurer: David Hinckfussl

Committee:  Cheryl Lowry


We Work With

Presente Escuelas Rurales (Lorena Gomez)

Jugar x Jugar Solidaria, Buenos Aires)

Claudia Tiemann, Kassel, Germany

Past Committee Members
Norm Todkill (Hon treasurer)
Paul & Sue O'Brien

Karl & Christina Hanssen
Stephanie Hanrahan
Trevor & Sharyn Chapman
Hernan Domini
Mercedes Casella




In 2001 a group of Tango friends in Brisbane, Australia, agreed to hold an elegant Tango Ball in Brisbane to express our gratitude for the gift of Tango to the world by supporting the children of Argentina in their hour of need, following the Argentine currency crisis.


Following some early local fundraising from Tango classes in Brisbane, they organised the first milonga at the Queensland Irish Club in November 2002 and Milonga Para Los Niños ™ was born. At the same time Patio de Tango with A Little Buenos Aires agreed to run the milonga in Sydney, Australia.


Sociedad Para Los Niños now holds annual events in Brisbane, Sydney and other Australian and international cities.  It generates other regular income from standing donations from  Pure Milonguero milongas in Brisbane and at the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast Tango events and Judy's Brisbane practica, as well as the sale of merchandise.


The annual milonga/ball has been held in Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth, Auckland New Zealand, Germany, and Buenos Aires, Argentina, the home of Tango.  Milongas are in the planning stages around Australia and internationally.


The non-profit organisation, Sociedad Para Los Niños Inc., was formalised by incorporation in Queensland, Australia in 2003 in order to demonstrate to organisers and donors that we comply with rigid Australian Government controls for handling public funding.


Its core value is to directly assist people who add value to the lives of disadvantaged children in South America. With the help of committee members in Argentina and others, we have established a supply chain to see that it happens without waste. To date, tools and goods have been distributed directly to foster homes and locally based individuals who are doing amazing things with minimal resources to improve the lives of children. We have provided basic essentials such as staple food, warm clothing and shoes, bedding, light bulbs and window glass. We also provided cooking equipment, farm tools and gas reticulation for cooking and heating.


One of our adopted partners was a privately run farm for street-kids to keep them off the streets and away from drugs and prostitution. Another two are foster homes that each house up to a dozen homeless and abused children.  We continued to renovate and extend these homes to provide a safe, comforting environment for abandoned and abused children.  The funding for these homes has been picked up by local charities including Solidaria Milongas and Alitio Veron milongas in Buenos Aires.

I recent years we turned our attention north, to the poor mountain and border regions where we assist charities including Presente Escuelas Rurales (Rural Schools) to provide education and health care to children and families in very poor areas of Argentina.  Check out some of our projects HERE >


The people who run these groups are great humanitarians, the unsung heroes whose work would be impossible without support.


We have also taken one-time opportunities to assist orphanages and day-care centres in Brazil and Mexico and Argentina, as well as occasional emergency relief in Laos and SE Asia.


We are delighted that Sociedad Para Los Niños is gaining strength and running very smoothly after so many  years of operation.


Do you have further questions?  Please check out the Frequently Asked Questions.  If you can't find the answer you want, please contact us.




About Sociedad Para Los Ninos

Sociedad Para Los Niños (Society for the Children) is an incorporated non-profit benefit

organised by the Tango community of Australia for the children of Argentina & Latin America. (milongaparalosninos)


37/2 Ridgeline Way,

Highland Park.  4211

Gold Coast, Australia.           Email:    Phone:   +61 (0) 404 842 104

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